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Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is Marriage: When the first year is over

When John and I called his aunt and uncle for Christmas (Uncle Mason, sweetest man alive), his aunt said something that made my heart melt. They've been married 52 years, and as she marveled that we are well on our way to our first anniversary, she said "wow, that first year is such a wonderful one." I felt a fleeting sadness at the thought that this blissful time could end, until I heard her say, "but the next 49, they were even better."

That was reassuring, because there's sadness in the passage of time, especially when it's joyful.  I was happy to hear, from one who knows, that the best is yet to come.

Maybe marriage is about extending the honeymoon, as long as possible.

gratuitous honeymoon photos: cable car



  1. What an inspirational post...thank you for sharing this!

  2. Those are wise words.. and while I only have five years under my belt I can attest to the fact that it only get better :)

  3. What a great comment from you grandma!
    The first year is, of course, amazing, but for us--going on 6--each year has been wonderful! :)


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